glow up travel

Welcome to

by The solo girl's travel guide

Glow Up Travel Trips are a balance between luxury, wine, barefoot adventures and messy hair. 

We are not a budget tour, by any means. Comfort is key - but so is unplugging & connecting with nature. 

We will guide you outside your comfort zone…and then pamper you as a reward. 

here's What to expect…

Pretty and Dirty

A Glow Up Trip


Off the Grid Adventure
Luxury in Nature

I’m plucking you out of the western world; out of the inundation of advertisements, upside-down priorities, and detachment from nature.

And setting you down on the most beautiful river unplugged from the pressure, politics and pain.  

We’re spending our days surrounded by bald eagles, limestone cliffs, pristine rivers, white sand beaches, and stars like you've never seen them before.  

The Travel Part

Bring your stresses, anxieties and fears.
Bring your dreams, wishes and goals.
Bring your life goals, business dreams, and list of all the things you want to manifest.

I’m going to teach you how to bring them to life. We have all week to talk. We have week to share ideas. You're going to be surrounded by women that are hand-picked to inspire and support each other. 

Plus, you have me. 
I'm not a therapist...but I'm a damn good problem-solver, brainstormer and pep talker. 
The Glow Up part - it is the best part. 

And bring your bathing suit...we’ve got some tan lines to acquire.

Wine & Laughter Therapy on a Magic River 

Something insane happens on these trips. 

When you're removed from your day to day distractions, your truest emotions rise to the surface. The bullshit falls away and leaves you with the truest version of you. This trip opens your soul. 

During your Glow Up Trip, here’s what you’re going to do:
  • Face your fears
  • Step outside of your comfort zone
  • Release the part of you that’s been holding back
  • Decide who you want to be going forward in life 

You'll leave with a head full of new ideas of what you want out of life - and the tools + sisterhood to help you brings that vision to life.

The 'Glow Up' Part

Hi beautiful! 

I'm Emilia, the other co-founder of Glow Up Travel. I'm a creative mind and magic maker - both in the business world and the personal world.  

I'm here to help you connect with your inner badass self and step into your full potential. All while exploring new, incredible places...and having the time of your life.


Hi, pretty girl.

I’m Alexa, the co-founder of Glow Up Travel. Why am I here? Well, believe it or not –It’s my life’s mission (yes, I have one of those) to reconnect women to the human experience through travel. (My ayahuasca experience officially confirmed this). 

Get ready, I’m going disconnect you from first-world stressors and distractions, and plug you back into the beauty of culture, nature, and connect you with your higher-self. This is what I do.

Oh, and I love to eat. #WillTravelForFood


Meet your Hosts

You know that phrase, “you become like the 5 people you surround yourself with most”. Well, what if you surrounded yourself with powerful people. Inspirational people. People with ideas, goals, and the tools to bring their best life to fruition. 

When you surround yourself with people who are living their best life, your best life starts to shine. The opportunity to spend 24/7 with this glow-getter energy is going to change you..

Glow Squad


apply here
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5 days / 4 nights unplugged in nature with new friends, and stunning scenery


Women-Only River Rafting in California & Oregon


“This year I got to cross off one of my bucket list adventures! I found the Go Baby Glow tours and stepped out of my comfort zone. I knew the trip would be life-changing so I jumped at the opportunity to sign up. I had applied for the Go Baby Glow: Bali tour but because of Covid that trip had to be moved around… BUT with some magic, I joined five strangers in Puerto Vallarta for the ultimate girls’ trip. I had an absolute blast and cried when it was time to go home. Amazingly (through a brilliant application process!) our girls group really bonded. At the beginning of the trip, we were all strangers getting to know one another, but by the end of the trip, we had become sisters.

We got to experience so many amazing things while in Puerto Vallarta!! From zip-lining, taco food truck tours, beach hoping, sky diving, massages, making margaritas and relaxing around the pool.But the best day would have been the last. On the last day we went on a wonderful catamaran, where we enjoyed some good beverages, soaked up the sun, visited beautiful beaches, and snorkeled around a gorgeous protected reef. BUT the absolute BEST part was at the end of the catamaran trip, while discussing where we were having our last dinner all together, we decided to get MATCHING TATTOOS!

And I believe those tattoos will always keep us all bonded for the rest of our lives no matter how crazy our lives get. What this trip taught me was that it’s okay to always dream big and not to settle for anything less than what I deserve.

I learned that traveling solo is good for the soul and I’m looking forward to marking off more destinations from my bucket list. I would absolutely one hundred percent would do this trip again! I can’t wait to see what trip I’ll go on next with the Go Baby Glow tours and the amazing women I’ll meet! “

- alice

“Though this experience took out all of the stress of planning and executing the actual trip by one’s self… it made me realize how easy it really can be to travel internationally. I hope this trip is the first of many outside of the US in my future.”


“It. Was. Amazing. I made lifelong sisters, had personal growth for my life journey, and inspiring to be around all these fun loving women. I really enjoyed the opportunities for my own spiritual growth journey.”


“I am forever grateful for my experience on this Glow Up trip!! It was everything I could have hoped for and exactly what I didn’t even know I needed! I had no idea that I would walk away from this journey with so many amazing friendships and memories. Alexa and Emmy went above and beyond to make sure we all had the best time. Their hard work and dedication is unmatched and to say this experience was life changing would be an understatement!”

from Glow Girls



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